
How does QRS-PelviCenter treatment work?
A typical treatment program

QRS-PelviCenter is installed in various top hospitals and leading clinics in Thailand.

The first visit:

One QRS-PelviCenter treatment takes 20 minutes.

At the first visit, the doctor will discuss with you your condition and prepare together with you a customized treatment program.

There is no need to undress.

The doctor will not do any physical examination unless you ask that.

You sit fully dressed in your normal clothes on the PelviCenter chair.

The first treatment takes 20 minutes plus 5 minutes of Relax treatment.

During the 20 minutes you will feel Magnetic Pulses from below.

These pulses are not painful.

You will feel 8 seconds of pulses followed by 4 seconds of rest.

During these 8 seconds of pulses your Pelvic Floor muscles will contract.

During the 4 seconds of rest your Pelvic Floor muscles will relax.

This continues for 20 minutes.

You and the doctor can determine the intensity of the treatment

These repetitive muscle contractions will increase the coordination and function of your muscles.

And it will build strength of the Pelvic Floor Muscles.

During the treatment you will also feel an improvement of energy in your body.

Sitting on the PelviCenter for 20 minutes will help you learn where your Pelvic Floor Muscles are.

The doctor will explain to you on how you can train these muscles yourself at home (“Kegel exercises”)

Full treatment program:

You will notice during and after the first treatment positive effects.

1 treatment is however not enough to realise significant improvements or long term effects.

QRS-PelviCenter treatment is automated training of the Pelvic Floor Muscles.

And similar to the training of other muscles of the human body this can only be realised after more treatments.

We normally recommend a treatment program of 16 treatments whereby you do 2 or 3 treatments per week.

Various studies have proven that 16 treatments is the most optimal number.

However, you do not need always 16 treatments.

For example, men after prostatectomy normally realize significant improvements after 6 treatments.

Also women after pregnancy normally require only 6 treatments to restore continence and sexual function.

Here the focus is often on restoring coordination and function of the muscles rather than on building strength.

QRS-PelviCenter treatment is 100% safe but there are some “contra-indications”

QRS-PelviCenter treatment is 100% safe.

The QRS-PelviCenter is only used in hospitals and premium clinics operated by fully qualified doctors/ urologists/ gynecologists.

The QRS-PelviCenter has obtained FDA approval both in Europe and in the USA.

This means that it successfully complies with all detailed safety measures.

The QRS-PelviCenter has no negative side effects.

The only possible side effect is that a customer can have a little bit of muscle pain after the treatment.

This only happens when people with untrained pelvic floor muscles are too ambitious in the beginning

(starting with too high intensities)


The following persons are not suitable for QRS-PelviCenter treatment:

– Metal implants in the hip area

– Pregnancy

– Pacemaker

– Surgical surgery since less than 3 weeks (wounds not healed yet)

– Severe cardiac arrythmia

What are the key benefits of QRS-PelviCenter?

– No need for surgery

– Non-invasive (no probes, no cones, no electrodes implanted in or around the vagina)

– No need for drugs or medications

– No need to undress. Treatment can be taken fully dressed.

Simply sit on a chair, wearing normal everyday clothing, reading a newspaper.

– Pain free & No side effects

– fully automated pelvic floor muscle exercise

– Very effective

Similarity of QRS-PelviCenter training to training of other muscles of the human body at the fitness room

QRS-PelviCenter training is training of the muscles of the Pelvic Floor

Training of the muscles of the Pelvic Floor is similar to the training of other muscle groups in the human body.

for example training the muscles of the upper arm in the fitness room

– Training of the muscles of the upper arm can only be realized by repetitive Peripheral Muscle Training (rPMS).

You contract and release for many times your muscles and after some time you see that your muscles get stronger.

This is similar to QRS-PelviCenter training. With a 20 minute QRS-PelviCenter training you contract and relax your muscles 100 to 200 times.

– Training of the muscles of the upper arm you normally start by warming up the muscles for 5 minutes.

This is similar to QRS-PelviCenter training. The first 5 minutes of the treatment are at low “frequencies” to slowly warm up the muscles.

– Training of the muscles of the upper arm you normally start with low weights. If you start too quickly with higher weights there is a risk of muscle injuries.

This is similar to QRS-PelviCenter training. The doctor will together with you define a specific program whereby in the first 2 or 3 treatments you start with low “intensities”. And then slowly buildling up the intensities in subsequent training sessions.

– Training of the muscles of the upper arm in a fitness room you can normally not do longer than 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes of intensive training your muscles start to get tired.

This is why a standard QRS-Pelvicenter treatment takes 20 minutes.

This is also why we normally recommend to do at least one day of rest between 2 sessions on the QRS-PelviCenter.

QRS-PelviCenter is installed in various top hospitals and leading clinics in Thailand.

One QRS-PelviCenter treatment takes 20 minutes.

You sit on the QRS-PelviCenter fully dressed.

During the 20 minutes you will feel Magnetic Pulses from below.

These pulses are not painful and are 100% safe.

These pulses take 8 seconds followed by 4 seconds of rest.

In these 8 seconds your pelvic floor muscles contract. This is not painful.

In the 4 seconds of rest your muscles relax.

This continues for 20 minutes.

You and the doctor can determine the intensity (strength of the pulses) and the frequency.

A typical treatment program consists of 16 treatments.

Normally the doctor will recommend you to take 16 treatments.

You will take 2 or 3 treatments per week.

In every new session the intensity of the training will be increased.

After 16 treatments you will have strong pelvic floor muscles

You will be able to feel and see this.

Stronger pelvic floor muscles will have positive effects on pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

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